ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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217IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM The sound quality of MP3/WMA filesgenerally improves with higher bit rate-s. In order to achieve a reasonable lev-el of sound quality, discs recorded witha bit rate of at least 128 kbps are rec-ommended.Playable bit ratesMP3 files:MPEG1 LAYER3-64 to 320 kbpsMPEG2 LSF LAYER3-64 to 160 kbpsWMA files:Ver. 7, 8 CBR-48 to 192 kbpsVer. 9 CBR-48 to 320 kbps The MP3/WMA player does not playback MP3/WMA files from discs re-corder using packet write data transfer(UDF format). Discs should be re-corded using "pre-mastering" softwarerather than packet-write software. The m3u playlists are not compatiblewith the audio player. MP3i (MP3 interactive) and MP3PROformats are not compatible with the au-dio player. The MP3 player is compatible withVBR (Variable Bit Rate). When playing back files recorded asVBR (Variable Bit Rate) files, the playtime will not be correctly displayed iffast-forward or reverse operations areused. It is not possible to check folders thatdo not include MP3/WMA files. MP3/WMA files in folders up to 8 levelsdeep can be played. However, thestart of playback may be delayed whenusing discs containing numerous lev-els of folders. For this reason, we rec-ommend creating discs with no morethan two levels of folders. It is possible to play up to 192 folders or255 files on one disc.001.mp3002.wmaFolder 1003.mp3Folder 2004.mp3005.wmaFolder 3006.mp3 The play order of the compact disc withthe structure shown on the left is as fol-lows:
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