ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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176AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607) Selecting a channelTune in the desired channel using one ofthe following methods.Preset tuning: Touch the channel selec-tor button (1 - 6) for the channel you want.The button (1 - 6) is highlighted and chan-nel number appears on the display.To select channel within the currentcategory: Push the "" or " " button of"SEEK/TRACK".To scan the currently selected channelcategory: Touch "TYPE SCAN" or pushthe "SCAN" button briefly. "SCAN" ap-pears on the display. The radio will find thenext channel in the same channel catego-ry, stay there for a few seconds, and thenscan again. To select a channel, touch"TYPE SCAN" or push the "SCAN" but-ton a second time.To scan the preset channels: Push the"SCAN" button and hold it until you heara beep. "P.SCAN" appears on the display.The radio will find the next preset channel,stay there for a few seconds, and thenmove to the next preset channel. To selecta channel, push the "SCAN" button a sec-ond time.
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