ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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187IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM Other functions"RPT": Use it for automatic repeat of thetrack or disc you are currently listening to.Repeating a track -While the track is playing, touch "RPT"briefly."RPT" appears on the screen. When thetrack is finished, the changer will automati-cally go back to the beginning of the trackand play the track again. To cancel it,touch "RPT" once again.Repeating a disc -While the disc is playing, touch "RPT"and hold it until the "D.RPT" appears onthe screen.When the disc is finished, the changer willautomatically go back to the beginning ofthe disc and play the disc again. To cancelit, touch "RPT" once again."RAND": Use it for automatic and randomselection.Playing the tracks on one disc in ran-dom order -While the disc is playing, touch"RAND" briefly."RAND" appears on the screen. The sys-tem selects a track on the disc being lis-tened to in random order. To cancel it,touch "RAND" once again.Playing the tracks on all the audio discsin random order -While the disc is playing, touch"RAND" and hold it until the "D.RAND"appears on the screen.The system selects a track on all the audiodiscs in the changer in random order. Tocancel it, touch "RAND" once again.If a CD-TEXT disc is inserted, the title ofthe disc and track will be displayed. Up to16 letters can be displayed.
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