ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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193IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM(f) If the player malfunctionsIf the player or another unit equipped withthe player malfunctions, your audio sys-tem will display following messages.If "No CD" appears on the display: It in-dicates that there is no disc in the CDchanger.If "CD Check" appears on the dis-play: It indicates that the disc dirty, dam-aged, or it was inserted upside down.Clean the disc or insert it correctly. If a discwhich is not playable is inserted, "CD Check" will also appear on the screen. Forappropriate discs for this player, see "Au-dio/video system operating hints" on page215.If "CD Error" appears on the display:The following causes are possible. There is a trouble inside the system.Eject the disc. The inside of the player unit may be toohot due to the very high ambient tem-perature. Eject the disc and allow theplayer to cool down.If "NO MUSIC FILE" appears on the dis-play: It indicates that the disc has no play-able data.If the malfunction is not rectified: Takeyour vehicle to your dealer.If an MP3/WMA disc contains CD-DAfiles, only CD-DA files are played. If anMP3/WMA disc contains files other thanCD-DA, only MP3/WMA files are played.The DVD changer can play audio CDs,video CDs, CD text, WMA discs, MP3discs, DVD video discs and DVD audiodiscs. Audio CD, CD text 185. . . . . . . . . MP3/WMA disc 188. . . . . . . . . . . DVD video, DVD audio 198. . . . . Video CD 210. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For appropriate discs for this changer, see"Audio/video system operating hints" onpage 215.For safety reasons, you can enjoy DVDvideo discs, DVD audio discs and videoCDs only when the vehicle is completelystopped with the engine switch is in "ACC"or "IG-ON" mode and the parking brakeapplied. While you are driving, you canhear audio alone even in the DVD video,DVD audio or video CD mode.- DVD changer operation
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