ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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214AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)Title: The largest unit of the video and au-dio programs stored on DVD video discs.Usually, one piece of movie, one album, orone audio program is assigned as a title.Chapter: The unit smaller than that of title.A title comprises plural chapters.Manufactured under license fromDolby Laboratories. "Dol by", "Pro Log-ic", and the double-D symbol are trade-marks of Dolby Laboratories. Confi-dential unpublished works.1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. Allrights reserved.This product incorporates copyrightprotection technology that is protectedby method claims of certain U.S. pat-ents and other intellectual propertyrights owned by Macrovision Corpora-tion and other rights owners. Use ofthis copyright protection technologymust be authorized by MacrovisionCorporation, and is intended for homeand other limited viewing uses only un-less otherwise authorized by Macrovi-sion Corporation. Reverse engineeringor disassembly is prohibited."DTS" is a trademark of Digital TheaterSystems, Inc.Some parts of the audio/video system canbe adjusted with the switches on the steer-ing wheel.Details of the specific switches, controls,and features are described below.1Volume control switch2" " " " switches3"MODE" switchAudio/video remotecontrols -- Steering switches
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