ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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215IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM1Volume control switchPush "+" side to increase the volume. Thevolume continues to increase while theswitch is being pressed.Push "-" side to decrease the volume.The volume continues to decrease whilethe switch is being pressed.2" " " " switchesRadioTo select a preset station:Quickly push and release the "" or " "switch. Do this again to select the next pre-set station.To seek a station:Push and hold the "" or " " switch untilyou hear a beep. Do this again to find thenext station. If you push either the "" or"" switch in seek mode, the seek modewill cancel.CD changer or DVD changerUse this button to skip up or down to a dif-ferent track, file or chapter in either direc-tion.To select a desired track, file or chapter:Quickly push and release the "" or " "switch until the track, file or chapter youwant to play is set. If you want to return tothe beginning of the current track, file orchapter, push the "" switch once, quick-ly.To select a desired disc:Push and hold the "" or " " switch untilyou hear a beep to change to the next orthe previous disc. Repeat this operationuntil you reach the disc you want to listento.3"MODE" switchEach time you push the "MODE" switch,the system changes the audio mode.To turn the audio/video system on, pushthe "MODE" switch.To turn the audio/video system off, pushand hold the "MODE" switch until you heara beep.NOTICETo ensure correct audio/video sys-tem operations: Be careful not to spill beveragesover the audio/video system. Do not put anything other than onappropriate discs into the CDchanger or DVD changer slot. The use of a cellular phone insideor near the vehicle may cause anoise from the speakers of theaudio/video system which you arelistening to. However, this doesnot indicate a malfunction.Radio receptionUsually, the problem with radio receptiondoes not mean there is a problem with yourradio - it is just the normal result of condi-tions outside the vehicle.For example, nearby buildings and terraincan interfere with FM reception. Powerlines or telephone wires can interfere withAM signals. And of course, radio signalshave a limited range, and the farther youare from a station, the weaker its signal willbe. In addition, reception conditionschange constantly as your vehicle moves.Here are some common reception prob-lems that probably do not indicate a prob-lem with your radio:Audio / video systemoperating hints
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