ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.48MB]
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218AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)CD-R AND CD-RW DISCS CD-R/CD-R W discs that have notbeen subject to the "finalizing process"(a process that allows discs to beplayed on a conventional CD player)cannot be played. It may not be possible to play CD-R/CD-RW discs recorded on a musicCD recorder or a personal computerbecause of disc characteristics,scratches or dirt on the disc, or dirt,condensation, etc. on the lens of theunit. It may not be possible to play discs re-corded on a personal computer de-pending on the application settings andthe environment. Record with the cor-rect format. (For details, contact theappropriate application manufacturersof the applications.) CD-R/CD-R W discs may be damagedby direct exposure to sunlight, hightemperatures or other storage condi-tions. The unit may be unable to playsome damaged discs. If you insert a CD-RW disc into theMP3/WMA player, playback will beginmore slowly than with a conventionalCD or CD-R disc. Recordings on CD-R/CD-RW cannotbe played using the DDCD (DoubleDensity CD) system.CARING FOR YOUR CD CHANGER,DVD CHANGER AND DISCS Your CD changer and DVD changer isintended for use with 12 cm (4.7 in.)discs only. Extremely high temperature can keepyour CD changer and DVD changerfrom working. On hot days, use airconditioning to cool the vehicle interiorbefore you listen to a disc. Bumpy roads or other vibrations maymake your CD changer and DVD chan-ger skip. If moisture gets into your CD changerand DVD changer, you may not hearany sound even though your CDchanger and DVD changer appears tobe working. Remove the discs from theCD changer and DVD changer andwait until it dries.CAUTIONCD changer and DVD changer usesan invisible laser beam which couldcause hazardous radiation exposureif directed outside the unit. Be sure tooperate the changer correctly.
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