ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 0.35MB]
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36DESTINATION SEARCHIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0607)If the same two streets cross at more thanone intersection, the screen changes anddisplays the menu to select the city namewhere the streets intersect. Select the city,and the map location of the selected des-tination and the route preference. (See"Starting route guidance" on page 38.)1. To input a freeway entrance or exit,touch "Freeway Ent./Exit" on the sec-ond page of the "Destination" screen.Be sure to use the complete name of thefreeway or highway, including the hyphen,when entering the destination. Freewaysand interstates use an "I" (I-405). US high-ways use the state designation before thenumber (CA-118).2. Select the desired freeway by touch-ing the button.3. Either a freeway "Entrance" or"Exit" can be selected.- Destination search by"Freeway Ent./Exit"
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