ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 0.72MB]
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206AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMIS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508) Setup menuThe initial setting can be changed.After you change the initial setting, touch"Enter". The previous picture will be dis-played.When "Default" is touched, all menus areinitialized.AUDIO LANGUAGEYou can change the audio language.1. Touch "Audio Language".2. Touch the language you want tohear on the "Select Audio Language"screen.If you cannot find the language you want tohear on this screen, touch "Other" and en-ter a language code. For the entry of lan-guage code, see page 207.SUBTITLE LANGUAGEYou can change the subtitle language.1. Touch "Subtitle Language".2. Touch a language you want to readon the "Select Subtitle Language"screen.If you cannot find the language you want toread on this screen, touch "Other" and en-ter a language code. For the entry of lan-guage code, see page 207.To return to the "Setup Menu" screen,touch .DVD LANGUAGEYou can change the language on the DVDvideo menu.1. Touch "DVD Language".2. Touch the language you want toread on the "DVD Language" screen.If you cannot find the language you want toread on this screen, touch "Other" and en-ter a language code. For the entry of lan-guage code, see page 207.To return to the "Setup Menu" screen,touch .
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