ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 0.84MB]
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39IS350/250_Navi_U(L/O 0508)DESTINATION SEARCH1Current position2Destination point3Type of the route and the distance4Distance of the entire route3. To start guidance, touch "Guide"."3 Routes": To select the desired routefrom three possible routes. (See page 40.)"Route": To change the route. (Seepages 50 and 52.)INFORMATIONGuidance can be suspended or re-sumed. (See "Suspending and re-suming guidance" on page 66.)If "Guide" is touched until a beepsounds, demo mode will start.Push the "MAP/VOICE" button tofinish Demo mode.The route for returning may not bethe same as that for going.The route guidance to the destina-tion may not be the shortest routenor a route without traffic conges-tion.Route guidance may not be avail-able if there is no road data for thespecified location.When setting the destination on amap with a scale larger than 0.5miles (800 m), the map scalechanges to 0.5 miles (800 m) auto-matically. Set the destinationagain.If a destination is entered, the roadnearest to the point you selected isset as the destination.CAUTIONBe sure to obey traffic regulationsand keep road conditions in mindwhile driving. If a traffic sign on theroad has been changed, the routeguidance may provide wrong infor-mation.
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