ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 0.50MB]
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681-7. Safety informationChild restraint systemsPoints to rememberStudies have shown that installing a ch ild restraint on a rear seat is muchsafer than installing one to the front passenger seat. l Choose a child restraint system appropriate to the age and size of thechild. l For installation details, follow the instructions provided with the childrestraint system. General installation instructions are provided in this manual. (→ P. 71)Types of child restraintsChild restraint systems are classified into the following 3 types accordingto the age and size of the child. Infant seatLexus strongly recommends the use of child restraint systems.The laws of all 50 states of the U.S.A. and Canada now require the use ofchild restraint systems.
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