RXの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 0.69MB]
MY13_ Lexus RX 350_WSG_lr.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../MY13_ Lexus RX 350_WSG_lr.pdf - 0.69MB
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The tires that come as original equip-ment on your vehicle are warrantedby their manufacturer and not Lexus.Please refer to the tire warranty state-ment included with the owner infor-mation in your vehicle.To obtain warranty service for a tire,take the tire to an authorized dealerof the tire manufacturer. (Refer toyour local phone directory for dealer locations.) Your Lexus dealermay also be able to assist you inobtaining warranty service from themanufacturer.For additional warranty information or service assistance, contact the tiremanufacturer directly.Bridgestone/Firestone535 Marriott DriveNashville, TN 37214Bridgestone: (800)847-3272Firestone: (800)356-4644Dunlop Tires1144 East Market StreetAkron, OH 44316(800)321-2136OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICEORIGINAL EQUIPMENTTIRE MANUFACTURERS Your Warranties in Detail34TIRE LIMITED WARRANTYWARRANTY
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