RXの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 0.69MB]
MY13_ Lexus RX 350_WSG_lr.pdf
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IntroductionTHE IMPORTANCE OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE39Regular maintenance is essential to obtaining the highest level of per-formance, safety and reliability fromyour Lexus. It can also enhance yourvehicle’s resale value. This section of the Warranty and Services Guideis designed to help you make sureyour vehicle receives proper andtimely maintenance. It includes factory-recommended maintenanceguidelines as well as logs in which todocument your vehicle’s maintenancehistory.In addition to scheduled maintenance,your Lexus requires ongoing generalmaintenance such as fluid checks andvisual inspections. These proceduresare listed on pages 42–43 of thisbooklet and described in detail in the “Maintenance” section of theOwner’s Manual.It is especially important to checkyour vehicle’s engine oil once amonth and to regularly replace theengine oil and oil filter. Failure to doso can cause oil starvation and/or oilgelling, which can result in severedamage to your vehicle and requirecostly repairs that are not covered bythe New Vehicle Limited Warranty.With proper maintenance and care,your vehicle will last longer and deliv-deliver more dependable, economicalperformance. Follow this booklet’srecommendations and you’ll enjoymaximum reliability and peace ofmind from your Lexus for many yearsto come.126090_2013 RX 350_39-47a:Layout 1 3/6/12 1:58 AM Page 39
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