RXの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 0.69MB]
MY13_ Lexus RX 350_WSG_lr.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../MY13_ Lexus RX 350_WSG_lr.pdf - 0.69MB
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You are responsible for ensuring thatyour Lexus is operated and main-tained according to the instructions in the Owner's Manualand the"Maintenance Information" section of this guide.You should keep detailed records ofvehicle maintenance, since undersome circumstances they may berequired for warranty coverage.These records should include date ofservice, mileage at time of serviceand a description of service per-formed and/or parts installed. Foryour convenience, maintenance logsare included in the "MaintenanceInformation" section of this guide. Ifyou sell your vehicle, you should giveyour maintenance records to the newowner.Lexus will not deny a warranty claimsolely because you do not haverecords to show that you maintainedyour vehicle. However, damage orfailures caused by lack of propermaintenance are not covered underwarranty.You may have maintenance per-formed on your vehicle by any quali-fied person or facility. However, Lexusrecommends having maintenanceperformed by an authorized Lexusdealership.Lexus dealership technicians are spe-cially trained to maintain and repairLexus vehicles. They stay current onthe latest service information throughLexus technical bulletins, service pub-lications and training courses. Manyare also certified through the LexusCommitment to Perfection Certifica -tion Program, which requires special-ized, state-of-the-art training as wellas rigorous exams through bothLexus and the National Institute forAutomotive Service Excellence.You can be confident you're gettingthe best possible service for yourvehicle when you take it to a Lexusdealership. Plus, a Lexus dealershipwill always use Genuine Lexus Partsdesigned specifically for your vehicle.WHERE TO GO FOR MAINTENANCEGENERALINFORMATIONYour Responsibilities 35OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEWARRANTY
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