MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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102MINI MAINTENANCE SYSTEM The MINI Maintenance System has been designed as a reliable means of providing maximum driving and operating safety, and as cost-effective for you as possible. Please bear in mind that regular mainte-nance is not only necessary for the safety of your vehicle, but also plays a significant role in maintaining the resale value of the vehicle.Service interval display While conventional systems specify main-tenance according to fixed distances driven, the MINI Maintenance System takes account of the operating conditions of the vehicle, for distances can be driven in many different ways:60,000 miles / 100,000 km short distance operation can not be equated with 60,000 miles / 100,000 km long distance operation from a maintenance standpoint.The condition-based MINI Maintenance System includes the Engine Oil Service and Inspections I and II.Determining the maintenance intervals according to the actual use of the vehicle covers every kind of operating situation. People who drive very little, i.e. much less than 6,000 miles / 10,000 km per year, should have the engine oil changed at least every 2 years since oil deteriorates over time, regardless of use.For more information on the service inter-val display, refer to page 56 .Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models, Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models For additional information on maintenance intervals and procedures, please refer to the Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models or the Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models. As a precaution against rust, it is advisable to have the body checked for damage from rocks or gravel at the same time, depending upon operating conditions.Have your vehicle's maintenance and r epairs performed at your MINI Dealer. Be sure that all maintenance work is confirmed in the Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models or the Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models. These entries are your proof that the vehicle has received regular maintenance. They are also a requirement for warranty claims. <
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