MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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54ODOMETER TACHOMETER FUEL GAUGE 1 Trip odometer To set to zero:With ignition key in position 1, press but-ton 3 until the trip odometer is at zero.2 Odometer You can activate the displays shown in the illustration, with the ignition key in position 0, by pressing button 3 in the dis-play elements.Do not operate the engine with the needle in the red overspeed zone of the gauge.To protect the engine, the power is reduced when you approach a certain engine speed in this sector.In the speedometer If the indicator light 1 begins to be lit con-tinuously, there are approx. 2.1 gallons / 8 liters of fuel in the tank. Fuel tank capacity: approx. 13.2 gallons / 50 liters.When you switch on the ignition, the indi-cator lamp lights up briefly to confirm that the system is operational. If the angle of the vehicle varies, for exam-ple when you are driving in mountainous areas, the needle may fluctuate slightly.Refill the gas tank early. If you drive to the last drop of fuel, engine func-tions are not guaranteed and damage can occur. <
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