MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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152page / 1.43MB
26OPENING AND CLOSING: FROM INSIDE With this switch, you operate the central locking system when the doors are closed. The doors and tailgate are unlocked or locked only. The anti-theft system is not activated.If the remote control has been used to unlock only the driver's door, refer to page 24 , and you touch the switch when the driver's door is open, the other door, the tailgate, and the fuel filler door are unlocked. If the driver's door is closed, touching the switch locks it. <To lock Briefly press the switch downwardorpush down the safety lock buttons on the doors. After you have driven off, the central locking system automatically locks your MINI once a certain speed has been reached. <You can have this function activated/deactivated by your MINI Dealer. <Do not lock the safety lock buttons while driving, since these doors will not unlock automatically in the event of an accident. Children might be able to lock the doors from the inside. Always take the vehicle's keys with you so that you can open the vehicle again from the outside at any time. <To unlock and open the doors 1. Briefly press the switch upward2. Pull the door handle above the armrestorpull the door handle for each door twice: to unlock first and then open.
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