MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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91OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATIONCONTROLS DATA INDEXTIRE CONDITION Tire tread Inspect your tires frequently for tread wear, signs of damage and for foreign objects lodged in the tread. Check the tread depth.The tread depth should not fall below 1/8 in / 3 mm. Below 1/8 in / 3 mm tread pattern depth, there is an increased risk of hydroplaning, even at relatively moderate speeds and with only small amounts of water on the road.Below a tread depth of 1/6 in / 4 mm, win-ter tires display a perceptible decrease in their ability to cope with winter driving conditions, and should be replaced in the interest of safety.Wear indicators in the tread-groove base, arrow, are spread around the circumfer-ence of the tire and are marked on the side wall of the tire with TWI, Tread Wear Indi-cator. The indicators in the tread indicate at 1/16 in / 1.6 mm tread depth that the legally permitted wear limit has been reached.Tire damage Unusual vibrations while driving can indicate tire damage or other dam-age to the vehicle. This may be caused, for example, by driving over a curb. This is also true for abnormalities in the vehicle's han-dling characteristics, such as a pronounced tendency to pull to the left or right. Should this occur, respond by immediately reduc-ing your speed. Proceed carefully to the nearest MINI Dealer or professional tire center, or have the vehicle towed there to have its wheels and/or tires inspected or controlled. Tire damage – up to and includ-ing blowouts – can endanger the lives of both the vehicle occupants and other road users. <
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