MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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152page / 1.43MB
105OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATIONCONTROLS DATA INDEXCARING FOR YOUR VEHICLE VEHICLE STORAGE Caring for leather * and imitation leather The leather and imitation leather used by the manufacturer of your MINI are high quality products processed using state-of-the-art methods and will retain their qual-ity level for many years if cared for prop-erly.Regular cleaning and care are necessary, as dust and road dirt scratch in pores and creases and lead to heavy wear as well as premature brittleness of the leather and imitation leather surface. This is why you should use a cloth or vac-uum cleaner to remove dust on a regular basis.Since dirt and oil slowly destroy the protec-tive layer of the leather and imitation leather, a treatment with a leather care product is necessary twice a year. This pre-serves the quality of the leather and pre-vents electrostatic charging.Cleaning agents can contain hazard-ous or health-damaging substances. For this reason, always observe the warn-ings on the package. For interior cleaning, always open the doors or windows of the vehicle. Do not use any products that are not intended for cleaning the vehicle. <Your MINI Dealer will be glad to advise you on what is important if the vehicle is to be decommissioned for longer than three months.
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