MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全172ページ 2.73MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 2.73MB
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172page / 2.73MB
Things to remember when driving96Rear luggage rack*A specially designed rear luggage rack is avail-able for your MINI/MINI C onvertible as optional accessory. Please read the in info rmation pro-vided in the assembly instructions.Mounting pointsThe mounting points can be found under the covers inside the bumper.Push out the covers from the respective recesses.Loading the rear luggage rackWhen loading the rack, please ensure not to exceed the permissible roof load, the permissi-ble gross vehicle weight, and the axle weight.You can find the applicable data under Weights on page 155 .Saving fuelFuel consumption depends on a number of dif-ferent factors. The implementation of certain measures, your driving style and regular mainte-nance can have an influence on fuel consump-tion and on the environmental impact.Remove unnecessary cargoAdditional weight increases fuel consumption.Remove attached parts no longer in useRemove auxiliary mirrors, roof- or rear-mounted luggage racks whenever you are not using them.Attached parts on the ve hicle affect its aerody-namics and increase fuel consumption.Check tire inflation pressure regularlyCheck and, if necessary, correct tire inflation pressure at least twice a month and before start-ing on a long trip.Low inflation pressure increases rolling resis-tance and thus leads to greater fuel consump-tion and tire wear.Drive off immediatelyDo not wait for the engine to warm up while the vehicle remains stationary. Start driving right away, but at mode rate engine speeds. This is the fastest way for the cold engine to reach its oper-ating temperature.Think ahead while drivingAvoid unnecessary acceleration and braking by maintaining a suitable di stance to the vehicle driving ahead.Driving smoothly and an ticipating impending traffic situations reduces fuel consumption.Avoid high engine speedsUse first gear only for driving off. In second and higher gears, accelerate smoothly to a suitable engine and road speed. In doing so, avoid high engine speeds and shift up early.When you reach your desired traveling speed, shift to the highest suitable gear and drive at constant speed.As a rule: driving at lo w engine speeds lowers fuel consumption and reduces wear.CoastingWhen approaching a red traffic light, take your foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle coast to a halt in the highest suitable gear.On a downhill gradient, take your foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle coast in a suitable gear.Fuel supply is shut off automatically when the vehicle is coasting.
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