X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 3.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.62MB
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132page / 3.62MB
Giving and receiving assistance108Warning triangle*To open the side trim panel: press the but-ton.Comply with legal requirements requiring you to carry a hazard warn-ing triangle in the vehicle. < First-aid kit*Beneath the front passenger's seat. To open: pull the handle and fold the cover downward. To close: fold the cover up. Some of the articles in the first-aid kit may be used within a limited time only. For this reason, check the expiration dates of each of the items regularly, and replace any whose expiration dates have passed. You can find replacements in any pharmacy.Always observe all legal regulations requiring a first-aid kit to be carried in the vehicle.< Jump-startingWhen your battery is discharged you can use two jumper cables to start your vehicle with power from the battery in a second vehicle. You can also use the same method to help start another vehicle. Use only jumper cables with fully-insulated clamp handles. To avoid the risk of potentially fatal injury, always avoid all contact with electrical components while the engine is running. Carefully observe the following instructions to avoid personal injury and/or damage to one or both vehicles. <Preparing1.Check whether the battery of the other vehicle has a voltage of 12 Volts and approximately the same capacitance in Ah. This information can be found on the battery2.Switch off the engine of the support vehicle3.Switch off any electrical systems and components in both vehicles.Ensure that no contact exists between the bodywork on the two vehicles, otherwise there is a danger of short circuits.< Connecting the jumper cablesTo avoid personal injury from sparks, always observe this sequence when connecting jumper cables. < On your BMW, the auxiliary terminal for jump-starting in the engine compartment serves as the battery positive terminal, refer also to Engine compartment overview
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