X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
NotesUsing this Owner's ManualThe fastest way to find information on a partic‐ular topic is by using the index.An initial overview of the vehicle is provided inthe first chapter.Additional sources of informationShould you have any questions, your servicecenter will be glad to advise you at any time.Information on BMW, e.g., on technology, isavailable on the Internet: bmwusa.com.Symbols Indicates precautions that must be followedprecisely in order to avoid the possibility of per‐sonal injury and serious damage to the vehicle.◄ Marks the end of a specific item of informa‐tion.* Indicates special equipment, country-specificequipment and optional accessories, as well asequipment and functions not yet available at thetime of printing."..." Identifies Control Display texts used to se‐lect individual functions.›...‹ Verbal instructions to use with the voice ac‐tivation system.››...‹‹ Identifies the answers generated by thevoice activation system. Refers to measures that can be taken to helpprotect the environment.Symbols on vehicle components Indicates that you should consult the rele‐vant section of this Owner's Manual for infor‐mation on a particular part or assembly.Your individual vehicleYou have decided in favor of a vehicle with indi‐vidualized equipment and features.This Owner's Manual describes the entire arrayof options and equipment available for a specificmodel.As a result, the manual may contain accessoriesand equipment that you may not have specifiedfor your own vehicle.All options and special equipment are markedwith an asterisk *.For options and equipment not described in thisOwner's Manual, please refer to the Supple‐mentary Owner's Manuals.On right-hand drive vehicles, some controls arearranged differently than shown in the illustra‐tions.Status at publicationThe manufacturer of your vehicle pursues a pol‐icy of constant development that is conceivedto ensure that our vehicles continue to embodythe highest quality and safety standards. In rarecases, therefore, the features described in thisOwner's Manual may differ from those in yourvehicle.For your own safetyMaintenance and repairsAdvanced technology, e.g., the use of modernmaterials and high-performance electronics, re‐quires suitable maintenance and repair meth‐ods.Therefore, have this work performed only by aBMW center or a workshop that works accord‐ing to BMW repair procedures with appropri‐ately trained personnel.Seite 66Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Notes
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