X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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▷When the ignition is switched off.▷After approx. 15 minutes.Headlamps▷Do not rub dry and do not use abrasive orcaustic cleansers.▷Soak areas that have been soiled e.g. due toinsects, with shampoo and wash off withwater.▷Thaw ice with de-icing spray; do not use anice scraper.After washing the vehicleAfter washing the vehicle, apply the brakesbriefly to dry them; otherwise, braking action canbe reduced and corrosion of the brake discs canoccur.Vehicle careCar care productsBMW recommends using cleaning and careproducts from BMW, since these have beentested and approved.Car care and cleaning productsFollow the instructions on the container.When cleaning the interior, open the doors orwindows.Only use products intended for cleaning vehi‐cles.Cleansers can contain substances that are dan‐gerous and harmful to your health.◀Vehicle paintRegular care contributes to driving safety andvalue retention.Environmental influences can act on the vehiclepaint. Tailor the frequency and extent of your carcare to these influences.Leather careRemove dust from the leather often, using acloth or vacuum cleaner.Otherwise, particles of dust and road grimechafe in pores and folds, and lead to increasedwear and premature degradation of the leathersurface.To guard against discoloration, such as fromclothing, provide leather care roughly every twomonths.Clean light-colored leather more frequently asdust and dirt are more noticeable.Use leather care products; otherwise, dirt andgrease will gradually break down the protectivelayer of the leather surface.Suitable care products are available from theservice center.Upholstery material careVacuum regularly with a vacuum cleaner.If they are very dirty, e.g., beverage stains, use asoft sponge or microfiber cloth with a suitableinterior cleaner.Clean the upholstery down to the seams usinglarge sweeping motions. Avoid rubbing the ma‐terial vigorously.Damage from Velcro® fastenersOpen Velcro® fasteners on pants or otherarticles of clothing can damage the seat covers.Ensure that any Velcro® fasteners are closed. ◀Caring for special componentsLight-alloy wheelsUse wheel cleaner, particularly during the wintermonths. Do not use aggressive, acidic, stronglyalkaline or abrasive cleaners, or steam jetsabove 140 ℉/60 ℃; follow the manufacturer'sinstructions.Chrome surfaces*Carefully clean components such as the radiatorgrille or door handles with an ample supply ofwater, possibly with shampoo added, particu‐larly when they have been exposed to road salt.Seite 234234Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Care
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