X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Office*At a glanceGeneral informationContacts, appointments, tasks, notes, text mes‐sages, and e-mails from the mobile phone canbe displayed on the Control Display if the mobilephone provides compatible support of thesefunctions and the necessary Bluetooth stand‐ards.Information about which mobile phones supportthe Office functions can be found atwww.bmwusa.com/bluetooth. A limited numberof compatible mobile phones is available for Of‐fice.Contents are only displayed in full length whenthe vehicle is stationary.The mobile phone has read-access only.Data are updated regularly via the mobile phone.Do not use Office while drivingTo avoid becoming distracted and posingan unnecessary hazard to your vehicle's occu‐pants and to other road users, never attempt touse the controls or enter information unless traf‐fic and road conditions allow this.◀Requirements▷A suitable mobile phone is paired with thevehicle and connected. In some mobilephones, data access must be confirmed onthe mobile phone.▷The time, time zone, and date, refer topage 72, are correctly set on the ControlDisplay and on the mobile phone to correctlydisplay appointments, for example.▷Office is activated, refer to page 177 .Office informationThe number of unread messages and activetasks as well as the upcoming appointments aredisplayed.1."Office"2."Current office"3. Select the desired entry to display details.ContactsGeneral informationContacts can be created and edited. The con‐tacts from the mobile phone* are displayed aswell if this function is supported by the mobilephone, and contacts from the BMW Search ad‐dress book* are displayed. The addresses canbe adopted as destinations for navigation andthe phone numbers can be dialed.Displaying contacts1. "Office"2."Contacts"All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. De‐pending on the number of contacts, an A-Zsearch is offered, refer to page 24.A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts:Seite 185185Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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