X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
"Start search": if a search term is not entered,the search is repeated with the previous searchterm.Category search1."Category search"2. "Town/City"Select or enter the town/city.3. "Category"4. Select the category.5. "Category details"For some special destinations, multiple cat‐egory details can be selected. Move thecontroller to the left to leave the categorydetails.6. "Start search"A list of the special destinations is displayed.7. Select a special destination.Details are displayed.If multiple details are stored, you can leafthrough the pages.If a phone number is available, a connectioncan be established if necessary.8. Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Add a destination as a further destination,refer to page 134 .Display of special destinationsList of special destinations: special destinationsare organized by distance and are displayed witha directional arrow to the special destination.on the split screen, special destinations of theselected category are displayed in the map viewas symbols. The display depends on the scaleof the map and the category.Destination entry via BMW Assist*A connection is established to the Conciergeservice, refer to page 196 .1."Navigation"2. "Enter address"3. Open "Options".4. "BMW Assist dest. entry"Displaying special destinations in themapTo display symbols of the special destinationsin the map view:1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Display Points of Interest"5. Select the setting.Destination entry by mapSelecting the destination1. "Navigation"2."Map"The current position of the vehicle is indi‐cated on the map.3. "Interactive map"4.Select the destination with crosshairs.Seite 132132Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Navigation
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