Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全120ページ 3.82MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.82MB
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120page / 3.82MB
Lamps56LampsParking lamps/Low beams Parking lampsThe front, rear and side vehicle lighting is switched on. You can use the parking lamps to signal the position of the vehi-cle when it is parked. For information on lighting on one side of the vehicle for parking, which is available as an additional feature, refer to page57.Low beamsWhen you switch off the ignition with the low beam headlamps on, only the parking lamps will remain on.Defective bulbThe indicator lamp lights up:At least one bulb of the vehicle's exte-rior lighting has failed.For replacing bulbs refer to page 91.Follow me home lamps When you activate the headlamp flasher after parking the vehicle and sw itching off the lights, the low beams will come on for a brief period.You can also have this function activated/deactivated if you wish. <LIGHTS ON warningWhenever you open the driver's door after hav-ing turned the ignition key to position 0, you will hear an acoustic signal for a few seconds to remind you that the lamps have not been switched off.Daytime driving lamps* If you desire, the light sw itch can be left in the second position: When the ignition is switched off, the external lighting is also switched off.You can have the acti vation settings for the daytime driving lamps programmed on your vehicle.<Automatic headlamp control* When the switch is set to this position, the system automati cally activates and cancels the low beams in response to changes in ambient light, for example in tun-nels, at dusk, and when it is raining or snowing.The low-beam headlamps remain on regardless of the ambient light when you switch on the fog lamps. <Automatic headlamp control cannot serve as a substitute for the driver's jud-gement in determining when the vehicle lights should be switched on. For example, the sen-sors are not able to dete ct fog. To avoid safety risks, you should respond to these kinds of low-visibility situations by switching the headlamps on manually.<You can have the sensitivity of your vehi-cle's automatic headlamp control adjusted.<
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