Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全120ページ 3.82MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.82MB
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120page / 3.82MB
In the engine compartment88Checking the coolant level 1.The engine must be at ambient tempera-ture2.Open the cap of the expansion tank by turn-ing it slightly counterclockwise to allow accumulated pressure to escape, then open completely3.The coolant level is co rrect when the upper end of the red float is at least even with the upper edge of the filler neck but no more than 3/4 in/2 cm above it, that is up to the second mark on the float. Refer also to the schematic diagram next to the filler neck4.Slowly add coolant, if necessary, until the correct level is reached; do not overfill5.Turn the cap clockwise until it is tightly closed6.Have the cause for the coolant loss removed as soon as possible.Brake systemMalfunction Brake fluidThe warning lamp lights up although the parking brake is not engaged: Stop the vehicle immediately. The brake fluid level in the reservoir is too low. At the same time, you may notice that brake pedal travel is longer. Have the system checked as soon as possible.If you continue driving, extended pedal travel may be necessary and braking dis-tances may be significan tly longer. Be sure to adapt your driving style accordingly. <Indication of the above-described mal-function in Canadian models.Brake pads The warning lamp lights up. The brake pads have worn down to the minimum safe limit. Have the brake pads replaced as soon as possible.For your own safety: use only brake pads which BMW has approved for your spe-cific vehicle model. BM W cannot evaluate non-approved brake pads to determine if they are suitable for use, and therefore cannot guaran-tee the operating safety of the vehicle in the event of their use.<
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