Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全120ページ 3.82MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.82MB
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120page / 3.82MB
Z4 2.5iZ4 3.0iCongratulations, and than k you for choosing a BMW.Thorough familiarity with your vehicle will provide you with enhanced control and security when you drive it. Therefore, we have one request:Please take the time to read th is Owner's Manual and familiarize yourself with the information that we have compiled for you before starting off in your new BMW. The manual contains important data and instructions in tended to assist you in obtain-ing maximum satisfaction from your BMW's unique array of advanced technical features. It al so contains information on vehi-cle maintenance designed to enhance operating safety while simultaneously helping you to maintain your BMW's value throughout an extended service life. For additional information refer to the supplemental manuals.This Owner's Manual should be considered a permanent part of this vehicle. It should stay with the vehicle when sold to provide the next owner with important op erating, safety and maintenance information.We wish you an enjoyable driving experience.BMW AG
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