Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全120ページ 3.82MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.82MB
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120page / 3.82MB
ReferenceAt a glanceControlsDriving tipsMobility 99Vehicles with automatic transmissionSelector lever in position N.Do not exceed a towing speed of 45 mph /70 km/h or a towing distance of 90 miles/150 km. Otherwise, the automatic transmission could be damaged. <Vehicles with sequential manual gearbox SMGTo push or tow the vehicle, turn on the ignition and move the selector leve r to position N, then turn the ignition off again.Towing methodsIn some countries, it is not permitted to tow the vehicle with a tow bar or tow rope on public roads.Familiarize yourself with the applicable towing regulations for the coun try in which you are driving.With a tow bar The towing vehicle must not be lighter than the vehicle bein g towed; otherwise, vehicle handling can no longer be controlled. <The towing eyelets of both vehicles should be on the same side. If th e tow bar can only be used in a diagonal position, please note the fol-lowing:>Clearance is restricted while you are driving around corners>The inclination of the tow bar produces late-ral force.Only attach the tow bar to the towing eye-lets. Other parts of the vehicle could oth-erwise be damaged. <With a tow ropeWhen the towing vehicle is driving off, make sure that the tow rope is taut.Use nylon ropes or straps for towing because they prevent sudden jerking movements. Attach tow ropes only to the tow-ing eyelet. Other parts of the vehicle could oth-erwise be damaged. <With a tow truck Have the BMW transported by a tow truck with a lift sling, or on a flatbed.Do not lift the vehicle by the towing eye-let, or by parts of the body or chassis. Otherwise damage could result. <Tow-starting Do not tow-start vehicles with automatic transmission.Jump-starting, refer to page 97.<Only tow-start vehicles with catalytic conver-ters if the engine is cold. It is better to have the vehicle jump-started, refer to page 97.1.Turn on the hazard warning flashers; com-ply with national regulations2.Turn the ignition key to position 23.Engage the 3rd gear. For vehicles with SMG, refer to following column4.Have the vehicle towe d with the clutch pedal completely de pressed and then slowly release the clutch pedal. After the engine has started, immediately depress the clutch pedal again completely5.Pull over at a suitable location, remove the tow bar or tow rope, an d turn on the hazard warning flashers6.Have the vehicle checked.Vehicles with sequential manual gearbox SMG>Have the vehicle towe d with the selector lever in position N>Select sequential mo de. The correct gear will automatically be selected and engaged.
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