ThinkPad R500の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全226ページ 6.93MB]
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What to do firstWhen you do return a FRU, you must include the following information in theparts exchange form or parts return form that you attach to it:__ 1.Name and phone number of service technician__ 2.Date of service__ 3.Date on which the machine failed__ 4.Date of purchase__ 5.Failure symptoms, error codes appearing on the display, and beepsymptoms__ 6.Procedure index and page number in which the failing FRU was detected__ 7.Failing FRU name and part number__ 8.Machine type, model number, and serial number__ 9.Customer's name and addressNote for warranty:During the warranty period, the customer may be responsiblefor repair costs if the computer damage was caused by misuse, accident,modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, or impropermaintenance by the customer.Following is a list of some common items that are not covered under warranty andsome symptoms that might indicate that the system was subjected to stress beyondnormal use.Before checking problems with the computer, determine whether the damage iscovered under the warranty by referring to the following list:The following are not covered under warranty:vLCD panel cracked from the application of excessive force or from beingdroppedvScratched (cosmetic) partsvDistortion, deformation, or discoloration of the cosmetic partsvPlastic parts, latches, pins, or connectors that have been cracked or broken byexcessive forcevDamage caused by liquid spilled into the systemvDamage caused by the improper insertion of a PC Card or the installation of anincompatible cardvImproper disc insertion or use of an optical drivevDiskette drive damage caused by pressure on the diskette drive cover, foreignmaterial in the drive, or the insertion of a diskette with multiple labelsvDamaged or bent diskette eject buttonvFuses blown by attachment of a nonsupported devicevForgotten computer password (making the computer unusable)vSticky keys caused by spilling a liquid onto the keyboardvUse of an incorrect ac adapter on laptop productsThe following symptoms might indicate damage caused by nonwarrantedactivities:vMissing parts might be a symptom of unauthorized service or modification.vIf the spindle of a hard disk drive becomes noisy, it may have been subjected toexcessive force, or dropped.44 ThinkPad R500 Hardware Maintenance Manual
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