ThinkPad R500の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全226ページ 6.93MB]
gizport - 2014-02-26 - 6.93MB
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Fn key combinationsThe following table shows the function of each combination of Fn with a functionkey.Table 8. Fn key combinationsKey combination DescriptionFn+F1 Reserved.Fn+F2 Lock the computer.Fn+F3 Select a power plan (in Windows XP, power scheme) that has beencreated by Power Manager, or adjust the power level by using theslider control. When you press this combination, a panel for selecting apower plan (power scheme) appears.Notes:1.To use the Fn+F3 key combination, you must have the ThinkPadPM device driver installed on the computer.2.If you have logged on with an administrator user ID, and you pressFn+F3, the panel for selecting a power plan (power scheme)appears. If you have logged on with another user ID, and you pressFn+F3, the panel does not appear.3.You cannot turn off the computer display by pressing Fn+F3.Fn+F4 Put the computer in sleep (standby) mode. To return to normaloperation, press the Fn key only, without pressing a function key.Notes:1.To use the Fn+F4 key combination, you must have the ThinkPadPM device driver installed on the computer.2.If you want to use the combination to put the computer intohibernation mode or do-nothing mode (in Windows XP, shut thecomputer down or show the panel for turning off the computer),change the settings in the Power Manager.Fn+F5 Enable or disable the built-in wireless networking features and theBluetoothfeatures. If you press Fn+F5, a list of wireless features isdisplayed. You can quickly change the power state of each feature inthe list.Note:If you want to use Fn+F5 to enable the wireless feature, thefollowing device drivers must be installed on the computer beforehand:vThinkPad Power Management drivervOnScreen Display UtilityvWireless device driversFn+F6 Reserved.(C) Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 75
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