ProBook 6570b Notebook PCの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全62ページ 2.09MB]
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Declaration of conformity for products marked with the FCC logo(米国向け)This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:1 .This device may not cause harmful interference, and2 .This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.For questions regarding the product, contact:Hewlett-Packard Company P.O. Box 692000, Mail Stop 530113 Houston, Texas 77269-2000For questions regarding this FCC declaration, contact:Hewlett-Packard Company P.O. Box 692000, Mail Stop 510101 Houston, Texas 77269-2000Or, call (281) 514-3333.To identify this product, refer to the part, series, or model number found on the product.Products with wireless LAN devicesThis product may be equpped with a wireless LAN device. This device must not be co-locatedor operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.警告! Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation The radiated output power of this device isbelow the FCC radio frequency exposure limits.Nevertheless, the device should be used insuch a manner that the potential for human contact is minimized during normal operation. During normal operation: To avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequencyexposure limits, human proximity to the antennae should not be less than 20 cm (8 inches). Toidentify the location of the wireless antennae, refer to the documentation included with thecomputer.注意: When using IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN, this product is restricted to indoor use, due toits operation in the 5.15- to 5.25-GHz frequency range. The FCC requires this product to beused indoors for the frequency range of 5.15 GHz to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential forharmful interference to cochannel mobile satellite systems. High-power radar is allocated as theprimary user of the 5.25- to 5.35-GHz and 5.65- to 5.85-GHz bands. These radar stations cancause interference with and/or damage to this device.Australia telecom statement (オーストラリア向け)The computer must be connected to the Telecommunication Network through a line cord thatmeets the requirements of ACA Technical Standard TS008.警告! Modems without integral RJ-11 that are shipped with this computer must be installedonly in devices displaying the A-tick.電子機器の使用に関するご注意21
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