ProBook 6570b Notebook PCの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全62ページ 2.09MB]
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The Table of Toxic and Hazardous Substances/Elements and theirContentAs required by China's Management Methods for Controlling Pollution by Electronic InformationProducts表 6 - 1 Toxic and Hazardous Substances and ElementsPart NameLead(Pb)Mercury(Hg)Cadmium(Cd)HexavalentChromium(Cr(VI))Polybromi-natedbiphenyls(PBB)Polybromi-nateddiphenylethers (PBDE)Motherboard, processor and heatsinkXO O O O OMemory X O O O O OI/O PCAsXO O O O OPower supplyXO O O O OKeyboard X O O O O OMouse X O O O O OChassis/Other X O O O O OFans X O O O O OInternal/External Media ReadingDevicesXO O O O OExternal Control DevicesXO O O O OCable X O O O O OHard Disk DriveXO O O O ODisplay X X O O O OO: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneousmaterials for this part is below the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of thehomogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.All parts named in this table with an “ X ” are in compliance with the European Union's RoHSLegislation – “ Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical andelectronic equipment ”.注記:The referenced Environmental Protection Use Period Marking was determined accordingto normal operating use conditions of the product such as temperature and humidity.50第 6 章 デスクトップ コンピューター、Thin ClientおよびPersonal Workstationの環境に関するご注意
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