ProBook 6570b Notebook PCの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全62ページ 2.09MB]
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Product Type TEC (kilowatt hour)Portable Computer Category A20.0+∑ Efa 35.0+∑ Efa 45.0+∑ EfaCategory B26.0+∑ Efa 45.0+∑ Efa 65.0+∑ EfaCategory C54.5+∑ Efa 75.0+∑ Efa 123.5+∑ Efa注記: ∑ Efa is the sum of power factor of product additional functions.2 .Typical Energy ConsumptionThe energy consumption figure presented on the label is the data measured with therepresentative configuration that covers all the configurations in the registration unit whichis selected according to CEL-30. Thus, actual energy consumption of this specificmicrocomputer may not be the same as the TEC data presented in the label.3 .Product CategoryThe product category is determined by the standard according to the microcomputer’sconfiguration. The categorization of products complies with the regulations in the followingtable:Product Type Configuration Description Desktop microcomputer, AIO Portable ComputerCategory AThe desktop microcomputer and AIOwhose configuration is out of the scopeof Category B, C, and DThe portable computer whoseconfiguration is out of the scope ofCategory B and CCategory BCPU physical core number of 2, andsystem memory of not less than 2GBA Discrete GPUCategory CCPU physical core number of over 2,with at least one of the followingfeatures:1 .System memory of not less than 2GB2 .A Discrete GPUThe product that has a CPU physicalcore number of not less than 2, systemmemory of not less than 2GB, ADiscrete GPU with Frame Buffer Widthnot less than 128-bit.Category DCPU physical core number of not lessthan 4, with at least one of thefollowing features:1 .System memory of not less than 4GB2 .A Discrete GPU with Frame BufferWidth not less than 128-bit For more details on the specification, please refer to the standard GB28380-2012.本机根据《微型 计算机能源效率 标识实 施规则 》 ( CEL ‐30 )的要求加施中国能效 标识 。能效 标识 中 显示的能效等 级 、典型能源消耗和 产 品类型均根据《微型 计 算机能效限定 值及能效等 级》 (GB28380 ‐2012 )的要求确定。 对上述 标识 内容的 说明如下 :China PC energy label(中国向け)47
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