AN-52AG6の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全76ページ 35.61MB]
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E-3ENGLISHAccessories Packaged with the TV*The screw notation M5 means that the diameter of the threads is 5mm.*Please also store the screws that are not used.Operation manual (This manual)ScrewsAM5 length:8mm (2 screws)ScrewsBM6 length:12mm (4 screws)Wall-mount bracket (Left/Right)…1 eachFor holding thewall-mount bracketFor basedbrackets A and BassemblyFor TVinstallationBased bracket A…2 Based bracket B…2• Wall installation screws (off-the-shelf screws, 6 mm dia.) 20Be sure to consult the dealership or a qualified contractor when installing the TV.• A plumb bob of hole making hardness (coin), etc., with a string attached.• A pin, such as a thumbtack • Cushion, soft cloth, etc. • Tool (Phillips head screwdriverand spanner wrench)• LCD color TVs have a viewing angle (range in which the image can be viewedcorrectly). The best viewing position is from directly in front of the screen. Determinethe TV installation location after taking into consideration the viewing posture, line ofsight, and the visual and aural ranges.• Sharp shall bear no responsibility for damages, etc., caused by the LCD color TVfalling due to insufficient installation strength or improper installation.CautionInstallation locationPlease use the followingScrewsCM6 length:10mm (16 screws)AN-52AG6.ind 17 AN-52AG6.indd 17 10.4.27 4:10:45 PM 10.4.27 4:10:45 PM
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