
クライスラー・300C の使い方、故障・トラブル対処法

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300Chrysler Group LLC OWNER’S MANUAL2013 2013 30013C481-126-AA First Edition Printed in U.S.A.
VEHICLESSOLDINCANADA With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name ChryslerGroup LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name ChryslerCanada Inc. used in substitution therefore.DRIVINGANDALCOHOL Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents.Your driving ability can be seriously impaired with blood alcohollevels far below the legal minimum. If you are drinking, don’t drive.Ridewithadesignatednon-drinkingdriver,callacab,afriend,orusepublic transportation.WARNING!Driving after drink...
TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE1INTRODUCTION.............................................................32THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE .............................93UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE ............................1014UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL ..................................2975STARTING AND OPERATING .................................................3596WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES ..............................................4697MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE .........
INTRODUCTIONCongratulations on selecting your new Chrysler GroupLLC vehicle. Be assured that it represents precisionworkmanship, distinctive styling, and high quality - allessentials that are traditional to our vehicles.This Owners Manual has been prepared with the assis-tance of service and engineering specialists to acquaintyou with the operation and maintenance of your vehicle.It is supplemented by Warranty Information, and variouscustomer-oriented documents. Please take the time toread these publication...
WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSThis Owners Manual contains WARNINGSagainst op-erating procedures that could result in a collision orbodily injury. It also contains CAUTIONSagainst proce-dures that could result in damage to your vehicle. If youdo not read this entire Owners Manual, you may missimportant information. Observe all Warnings and Cau-tions.VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERThe Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is on the leftfront corner of the instrument panel. The VIN is visiblefrom outside of the vehicle thr...
NOTE:It is illegal to remove or alter the VIN.VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS/ALTERATIONSWARNING!Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle couldseriously affect its roadworthiness and safety andmay lead to a collision resulting in serious injury ordeath.VIN Location1INTRODUCTION 7
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLECONTENTSA WORD ABOUT YOUR KEYS .............12▫Keyless Ignition Node (KIN) ..............12▫KeyFob.............................13▫Ignition Or Accessory On Message ..........15SENTRY KEYfi.........................16▫Replacement Keys.....................17▫Customer Key Programming ..............18▫General Information....................18VEHICLE SECURITY ALARM IF EQUIPPED..........................18▫Rearming Of The System .................18▫To Arm The System...........
▫Programming Additional Transmitters ........24▫Transmitter Battery Replacement ...........24▫General Information....................25REMOTE STARTING SYSTEM IF EQUIPPED..........................26▫How To Use Remote Start ................26DOOR LOCKS.........................29▫Manual Door Locks.....................29▫Power Door Locks.....................30▫Child-Protection Door Lock System RearDoors...............................32KEYLESS ENTER-N-GO .................33WINDOWS...........................38▫P...
