CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 1.16MB]
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4253-4. Using the hands-free phone system (for cellular phones)3Interior featuresCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Changing the registered name of a cellular phoneSelect "Change Name" using a voice command or .Pattern ASelect the name of the cellular phone to be changed by either ofthe following methods, and sele ct "Confirm" using a voice com-mand or :a. Press the talk switch and say the name of the desired cellularphone.b. Press the talk switch and say "List Phones". When the name ofthe desired cellular phone is read aloud, press the talk switch.Pattern BSelect the desired cellular pho ne name to be changed using.Press the talk switch or select "Record Name" using , andsay the new name.Select "Confirm" using a voice command or .STEP 1STEP 2STEP 2STEP 3STEP 4
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