CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 1.16MB]
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4133-4. Using the hands-free phone system (for cellular phones)3Interior featuresCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Select "Confirm" using a voice command or .A passkey is displayed and heard, an d a voice guidance instruction forinputting the passkey into the cellular phone is heard.Input the passkey into the cellular phone.Refer to the manual that comes with the cellular phone for the opera-tion of the phone.Guidance for registration completion is heard.If the cellular phone has a Bluetooth(R) audio player, the audio player canbe registered at the same time. A voic e guidance instruction to register aBluetooth(R) audio player is heard.Select "Yes" or "No" using a voice command or .(Bluetooth(R) audio player →P. 381)STEP 4STEP 5STEP 6
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