CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 1.16MB]
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4113-4. Using the hands-free phone system (for cellular phones)3Interior featuresCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Operating the system using voice commandsBy following voice guidance instructio ns output from the speaker, voicecommands enable to the operation of the hands-free phone system with-out the need to check the display or operate .■Operation procedure when using voice commandsPress the talk switch and follow voice guidance instructions.■Auxiliary commands when using voice commandsThe following auxiliary commands ca n be used when operating thesystem using a voice command:"Cancel": Exits the hands-free phone system"Repeat": Repeats the previous voice guidance instruction"Go back": Returns to the previous procedure"Help": Reads aloud the function summary if a help comment is regis-tered for the selected function
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