CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 1.16MB]
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4123-4. Using the hands-free phone system (for cellular phones)CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Using the hands-free phone system for the first timeBefore using the hands-free phone sy stem, it is necessary to register acellular phone in the system. The system will enter phone registrationmode automatically when starting th e system with no cellular phone reg-istered. Follow the procedure below to register (pair) a cellular phone:Press the off-hook switch or the talk switch.The introductory guidance and phone name registration instructions areheard.Select "Pair Phone" using a voice command or .Register a phone name by either of the following methods:a. Select "Record Name" using , and say the name to beregistered.b. Press the talk switch and say the name to be registered.A voice guidance instruction to confirm the input is heard.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3
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