CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 1.71MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.71MB
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2412-4. Using other driving systems2When drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■Dynamic radar cruise control can be set when●The shift position is in D.●Vehicle speed is above approximately 30 mph (50 km/h).■Accelerating after setting the vehicle speedThe vehicle can accelerate normally. After acceleration, the set speed resumes.However, during vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode, the vehicle speed maydecrease below the set speed in order to maintain the distance to the vehicleahead.■Set speedThe set speed may be unsustainable depending on driving circumstances.■Automatic cancelation of vehicle-to-vehicle distance controlVehicle-to-vehicle distance control driving is automatically canceled in the follow-ing situations:●Actual vehicle speed falls below approximately 25 mph (40 km/h).●Enhanced VSC is activated.●The sensor cannot operate correctly because it is covered in some way.●The windshield wipers are operating at high speed. (when the wiper switch is setto the "AUTO" mode or the high speed wiper operation position).If vehicle-to-vehicle distance control driving is automatically canceled for any otherreason, there may be a malfunction in the system. Contact your Lexus dealer.
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