CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 1.71MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.71MB
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2452-4. Using other driving systems2When drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■Situations unsuitable for dynamic radar cruise controlDo not use dynamic radar cruise contro l in any of the following situations.Doing so may result in inappropriate sp eed control and could cause an accidentresulting in death or serious injury.●In heavy traffic●On roads with sharp bends●On winding roads●On slippery roads, such as thos e covered with rain, ice or snow●On steep downhills, or where there are sudden changes between sharp up anddown gradients Vehicle speed may exceed the set speed when driving down a steep hill.●At entrances to expressways●When weather conditions are bad enough that they may prevent the sensorsfrom functioning correctly (fog, sn ow, sandstorm, heavy rain, etc.)●When an approach warning buzzer is heard often●During emergency towing■When the sensor may not be correctly detecting the vehicle aheadApply the brakes as necessary when any of the following types of vehicles are infront of you.As the sensor may not be able to correctly detect these types of vehicles, theapproach warning (→P. 239) will not be activated, and a fatal or serious accidentmay result.●Vehicles that cut in suddenly●Vehicles traveling at low speeds●Vehicles that are not moving●Vehicles with small rear ends (tra ilers with no load on board etc.)●Motorcycles traveling in the same lane
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