CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 1.71MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.71MB
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2772-4. Using other driving systems2When drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■When there is a malfunction in the systemWarning lights and/or warning mess ages will turn on or flash. (→P. 607, 620)■Situations in which the pre-collision system does not function properlyThe system may not function effectively in situations such as the following:●On roads with sharp bends or uneven surfaces●If a vehicle suddenly moves in front of vehicle, such as at an intersection●If a vehicle suddenly cuts in front of vehicle, such as when overtaking●In inclement weather such as heav y rain, fog, snow or sand storms●When your vehicle is skidding with the VSC system off●When an extreme change in vehicle height occurs●When the axis of the radar is out of adjustment■Automatic cancelation of the pre-collision systemWhen a malfunction occurs due to sensor contamination, etc. that results in thesensors being unable to detect obstacles, the pre-collision system will be automati-cally disabled. In this case, the system will not activate even if there is a collision pos-sibility.
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