CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 1.71MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.71MB
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2762-4. Using other driving systemsCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■Conditions that may trigger the system even if there is no possibility of a collision●When there is an object by the roadside at the entrance to a curve●When passing an oncoming vehicle on a curve●When driving over a narrow iron bridge●When there is a metal object on the road surface●When driving on an uneven road surface (nose up, nose down)●When passing an oncoming vehicle on a left-turn●When your vehicle rapidly closes on the vehicle in front●When a grade separation/interchange, sign, billboard, or other structureappears to be directly in the vehicle's line of travel●When the steep angle of the road causes a metal object located beneath theroad surface to be seen ahead of the vehicle●When an extreme change in vehicle height occurs●When the axis of the radar is out of adjustment●When passing through certain toll gates●When passing through an overpassWhen the system is activated in the situatio ns described above, there is also a possi-bility that the seat belts will retract quickly and the brakes will be applied with a forcegreater than normal. When the seat belt is locked in the retracted position, stop thevehicle in a safe place, release the seat belt and refasten it.■Obstacles not detectedThe sensor cannot detect plastic obstacles such as traffic cones. There may also beoccasions when the sensor cannot detect pedestrians, animals, bicycles, motorcy-cles, trees, or snowdrifts.
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