CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全36ページ 1.61MB]
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1451-8. Safety information1Before drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■Front passenger occupant classi fication system precautions●Do not recline the front passenger seatback so far that it touches a rear seat. Thismay cause the "AIR BAG OFF" indicator ligh t to be illuminated, which indicatesthat the passenger's airbags will not deploy in the event of a severe accident. If theseatback touches the rear se at, return the seatback to a position where it doesnot touch the rear seat. Keep the front pa ssenger seatback as upright as possiblewhen the vehicle is moving. Reclining the seatback excessively may lessen theeffectiveness of the seat belt system.●If an adult sits in the front passenger se at, the "AIR BAG ON" indicator light is illu-minated. If the "AIR BAG OFF" indicator is illuminated, ask the passenger to situp straight, well back in the seat, feet on the floor, and with the seat belt worn cor-rectly. If the "AIR BAG OFF" indicator still remains illuminated, either ask the pas-senger to move to the rear seat, or if th at is not possible, move the front passengerseat fully rearward.●When it is unavoidable to install a forw ard-facing child restraint system on thefront passenger seat, install the child rest raint system on the front passenger seatin the proper order. (→P. 151)●Do not modify or remove the front seats.●Do not kick the front passenger seat or subject it to severe impact. Otherwise,the SRS warning light may come on to indicate a malfunction of the detection sys-tem. In this case, contact your Lexus dealer immediately.●Child restraint systems installed on the rear seat should not contact the front seat-backs.●Do not use a seat accessory, such as a cushion and seat cover, that covers theseat cushion surface.●Do not modify or replace the upholstery of the front seat.
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