CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全36ページ 1.61MB]
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1311-8. Safety information1Before drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■SRS airbag deployment conditions (SRS front airbags)●The SRS front airbags will deploy in the event of an impact that exceeds the setthreshold level (the level of force corr esponding to an approximately 12-18 mph[20-30 km/h] frontal collision with a fixed wall that does not move or deform).However, this threshold velocity will be considerably higher if the vehicle strikesan object, such as a parked vehicle and sign pole, which can move or deform onimpact, or if the vehicle is involved in an underride collision (e.g. a collision inwhich the front of the vehicle "underrides", or goes under, the bed of a truck, etc.).●Depending on the type of collision, it is possible that only the seat belt preten-sioners will activate.●The SRS front airbags for front passenger will not activate if there is no passen-ger sitting in the front passenger seat. However, the SRS front airbags for frontpassenger may deploy if luggage is put in the seat, even if the seat is unoccu-pied. (→P. 140)■SRS airbag deployment conditions (SRS side and curtain shield airbags)●The SRS side and curtain shield airbags will deploy in the event of an impact thatexceeds the set threshold level (the leve l of force corresponding to the impactforce produced by an approximately 3300 lb. [1500 kg] vehicle colliding withthe vehicle cabin from a direction perpendicular to the vehicle orientation at anapproximate speed of 12 -18 mph [20 -30 km/h]).●The SRS curtain shield airbags may also deploy in the event of a severe frontalcollision.
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