CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全36ページ 1.61MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_01-08.pdf - 1.61MB
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15111-8. Safety informationBefore drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Installing child restraintsFollow the child restraint system manufacturer's instructions. Firmlysecure child restraints to the seats using the LATCH anchors or a seat belt.Attach the top tether strap when installing a child restraint.The lap/shoulder belt can be used if your child restraint system is not com-patible with the LATCH (Lower Anchor s and Tethers for Children) system.Child restraint LATCH anchorsLATCH anchors are providedfor the outboard rear seats.(Buttons displaying the locationof the anchors are attached tothe seats.) Seat belts equipped with a childrestraint locking mechanism(ALR/ELR belts except driver'sseat belt) (→P. 92)Anchor brackets (for top tetherstrap)An anchor bracket is providedfor each rear seat.
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