CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全50ページ 1.34MB]
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2272-4. Using other driving systems2When drivingCT200h_U (OM76040U)■Cruise control can be set when●The shift position is in D.●Vehicle speed is above approx imately 25 mph (40 km/h). ■Accelerating after setting the vehicle speed●The vehicle can be accelerated normally. After acceleration, the set speedresumes.●Even without canceling the cruise cont rol, the set speed can be increased byfirst accelerating the vehicle to the desired speed and then pushing the leverdown to set the new speed.■Automatic cruise control cancelationCruise control will stop maintaining the ve hicle speed in any of the following situa-tions.●Actual vehicle speed falls more than approximately 10 mph (16 km/h) below thepreset vehicle speed.At this time, the memorized set speed is not retained.●Actual vehicle speed is below approximately 25 mph (40km/h).●Enhanced VSC is activated.■Canceling and resuming the constant speed controlPulling the lever toward youcancels the constant speedcontrol.The speed setting is also can-celed when the brakes areapplied.Pushing the lever up resumesthe constant speed control.Resuming is available when thevehicle speed is more thanapproximately 25 mph(40km/h).
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