CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全50ページ 1.34MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.34MB
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2572-4. Using other driving systems2When drivingCT200h_U (OM76040U)■Rear view monitor system camera●The camera uses a special lens. The dis-tance of the image that appears on thescreen differs from the actual distance.●In the following cases, it may be difficult tosee the images on the screen, even whenthe system is functioning correctly.* In the dark (e.g. at night).* If the temperature near the lens isextremely high or low.* If water droplets get on the camera, orwhen humidity is high (e.g. when itrains). * If foreign matter (e.g. snow or mud) geton the camera lens.* If the sun or headlights are shiningdirectly into the camera lens.* When the camera has scratches or dirton it.* A bright object such as a white wall isreflected in the mirror surface over themonitor.* When the camera is used under fluo-rescent light, sodium lights, or mercurylights etc., the lights and the illuminatedareas may appear to flicker.
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