CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.63MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_01-08.pdf - 1.63MB
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1561-8. Safety informationCT200h_U (OM76040U)CAUTION■When installing a booster seat To prevent the belt from going into ALR lock mode, do not fully extend the shoulderbelt. ALR mode causes the belt to tighten only. This could cause injury or discom-fort to the child. (→P. 92) ■When installing a child restraint systemFollow the directions given in the child restraint system installation manual and fixthe child restraint system securely in place.If the child restraint system is not correctl y fixed in place, the child or other passen-gers may be seriously injured or even killed in the event of sudden braking, suddenswerving or an accident.●If the driver's seat interferes with the childrestraint system and prevents it from beingattached correctly, attach the child restraintsystem to the right-hand rear seat.●Adjust the front passenger seat so that itdoes not interfere with the child restraintsystem.●Only put a forward-facing child restraintsystem on the front seat when unavoidable.When installing a forward-facing childrestraint system on the front passengerseat, move the seat as far back as possibleeven if the "AIR BAG OFF" indicator light isilluminated. Failure to do so may result indeath or serious injury if the airbags deploy(inflate).
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